So as you can see from my current inventory that I don't have a whole lot in it so far and that will change eventually, but as for now it'll have to do. I normally don't go towards 80 daily devotion and thats mainly because of the fact that most of the other devotion methods give experience and well since it is the level 30 challenge I can't risk going above level 30. The newer devotion rewards give you 25,000 Daru and a level 5 luck stone plus an exp scroll, so I am saving those up and hope to have quite the stash before the challenge is over!
Now from my Guild Vault you can see I saved my VIP ticket as well as Spirit Conveant. You can save the VIP ticket when it tells you that you have to use it at level 10 by manually logging out, pretty nifty right? Its quite essential that I do this, because of the fact that this character is most likely not going to be a casher and if I did eventually end up getting wings or clothing it may take some of the challenge out of this whole thing in general.
Of course, I am saving important things like socketing rods, insignias, soul crystals, and mount training whips. You may be curious on how I am getting things like the insignias, soul crystals, and mount training whips. Well as some of you may know that after the Guild Battle at the end of each week merits all guild members of the top 8 guilds with rewards such as soul crystals and mount traning whips. Since, I don't normally join GBs due to me being a level 30 and Exodus needing their strongest members for battles such as Red Fate for example I can't really cash in on the Honor and Insignias sadly. Which leaves me to farm honor from Battlegrounds and Insignias from Group Arena, however finding a low level Group Arena team is fairly difficult seeing as how alot of people don't stay at level 30. This in turn makes it more challenging and thats what we're here for right? To break the game at a low level.
Strangely enough I've noticed on the Armor Games servers especially that people have been reporting to get tons of lag after the maint which I am also effected, some say that they had to refresh the page numerous amounts of times for them to be able to play properly? So whats up with that and if you guys know whats going on be sure to leave a comment! Well thats all for, today I'll be sure to post an update on my current stats, battle rating, tech, and guild skills in the next update. Stay tuned!
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